Logistic support of Poczta Polska in the fight against Covid-19

Logistic support of Poczta Polska in the fight against Covid-19

support_logistyczne_poczty_polska_2571At the beginning of the epidemic, Poczta Polska performs logistics services for institutions fighting coronavirus. Poczta Polska provides, among others Necessary personal protection measures, equipment for hospitals and pharmacies and supports the creation of temporary hospitals. Recently, Poczta Polska has completed deliveries to all temporary hospitals. Deliveries of subsequent parts of personal protective equipment for pharmacies are also underway.

The Polish Post Office from the beginning of the SARS-COV-2 virus has been supported by the Ministry of Health in the implementation of the distribution of protection measures. The company carries out a number of tasks, including in the field of: storage, packaging, pallet transport and parcel services. He performs deliveries to hospitals, including infectious hospitals, POZ, sanitary and epidemiological stations, NFZ headquarters and pharmacies, police and border guards. Poczta Polska also provided disinfectants for schools and kindergartens.

So far, as part of cooperation with the Ministry of Health, Poczta Polska has served over 36,000. donut. Currently, the post office is carrying out a commission of delivery of pharmacies.

- Poczta Polska uses its logistics infrastructure and experience in servicing various shipments, both standard packages and pallet shipments. Services for the Ministry of Health is an important task for us, showing that even during a pandemic we can comprehensively serve clients who require non -standard services - says Andrzej Bodziony, vice president of Poczta Polska.

Recently, Poczta Polska has completed deliveries to hospitals containing, among others beds, respirators or cardiomonitors, including six transports to Katowice, four transports to Krakow and two transports to Krynica and Płock.

In total, Poczta Polska transported nearly 40,000 palette with beds and medical equipment both for the substances of the Material Reserve Agency, as well as these contributions to the warehouses of voivods and other institutions, from which the distribution of equipment and the means needed for medics and patients.

The Polish Post has carried out nearly 1,200 such transports with a total length of routes over 230 thousand. km. Transports were carried out in 24 -hour mode, also on weekends.
