We won the philatelic competition Europe 2021

We won the philatelic competition Europe 2021

stamp_51x39.5_europa_2021_b1The gold medal in the Europa 2021 competition for the most beautiful postage stamp was won by the Polish philatelic value depicting the Eurasian Rysia. The theme of this year's edition were "animals at risk of extinction".

The competition was decided during the Postheurop plenary assembly on October 6, 2021, a stamp by Bożydar Grozdeva with interesting graphics of Rysia, overtook the proposals of stamps from the Aland's Islands with a mocked frog and Ukraine with a brown bear.

Ryś turned out to be an animal most often moved on the competition stamps of operators associated in Posturop. Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, France, Lithuania and Spain also decided to present this predator. However, it is the Poczta Polska proposal with the graphics of Rysia, which disappears in the eloquent explosion of ecological threats, she met with recognition of the recipients.

- The gold medal on the international arena in such an important social topic and among such excellent competition fills us with understandable pride. This success is a tangible proof that Polish philatelic is the European lead. Our project symbolically shows the state of our planet, challenges, threats and the most urgent needs in the area of ​​ecology. Postal stamps are not only media of this important message, but also small works of art with collector's and artistic value. I would like to cordially congratulate the author of the stamp, as well as the whole staff of people involved in this project - emphasizes Tomasz Zdzikot, President of the Board of Poczta Polska SA

It is worth noting that Bożydar Grozdew is permanently associated with Poczta Polska, and this year's broadcast "Europe" entered circulation on April 21, 2021. The graphic layer of the stamp clearly reflects the risk of disappearance of this species. The stamp in the design phase was consulted with the Polish Academy of Sciences.

In 2021, for the first time the winners were selected in three separate voting panels: from May 9, 2021 to September 9, 2021, online votes cast via the Internet were collected in voting open to a wide audience tracking the competition, at the same time representatives of postal administration, i.e. members of Posteurop, voted votes, and then on September 29, 2021, experts sitting in the jury committee. Summary of scoring from all three panels selected the winner of the gold medal.

This is the second victory of Poczta Polska in the Posteurop competition. Last year, the Polish National Operator won in the jury category, proposing a stamp on "former postal trails". In 2018, Poczty Publishing House showing the bridge in Tczew took second place in voting Internet users.

As part of the cooperation of European postal administrations, special stamps of the Europa series have been issued since 1956. Issions on various topics - showing common roots, culture, history and common goals of European nations - always contain the official Europe logo - a trademark of the Public Postal Administration Association.
