Threatened species - a new post stamp of the Polish series of Europe

Threatened species - a new post stamp of the Polish series of Europe

stamp_51x39.5_europa_2021_b1Threatened with extinction, the beautiful Eurasian lynx is the hero of the latest Poczta Poczta Stamp. On Wednesday, April 21 this year, the company introduced another stamp from the Europe series. The theme of this year's philatelic emission issued by European postal administrations are animals that are threatened with extinction.

The author of the project, Bożydar Grozdew, presented the Eurasian Rysia in the stamp. The graphic design clearly reflects the threat of disappearance of this species. In addition to the stamp, Poczta Polska has published, in a limited version, the FDC envelope, i.e. an envelope on the first day of circulation. It presents a sketch illustrating the natural environment of lynx, animal contour and a map of Europe.

- One of the most important elements of the Mission of Poczta Polska is educating. Today, a unique stamp goes to the hands of customers, not only because of its aesthetic and artistic values, but above all because of the subject. As part of the "Europe" broadcast, we show the Eurasian Rysia. This predator is an animal at risk of extinction in Poland. And, as professionals say, only preserving the right natural habitats can help today to survive this beautiful animal. I believe that the stamp will appeal not only to philatelists, but also to all concerned about the beauty and diversity of Polish nature - says Wiesław Włodek, vice president of the Poczta Polska Board.

The Eurasian lynx has stocky torso, a round head, ears finished with hair brushes. Short tail, with a black end. Tall legs, with wide paws, fingers ended with strong claws. Penitarial-brown fur is often spotted. Body weight reaches up to 30 kg. Rysie are loners that only steam during the heat (February-Marzec). The young are born in May and remain with their mother for almost a year. Adult individuals occupy individuals of 100-340 km2. Rysie, they feed on deer and deer, and the diet is complemented by a small prey like hares, rodents or birds.

- Eurasian Ryś lives in Asia and part of Europe. In Poland, it is an endangered species entered in the "Polish Red Book of Animals". Rysie live with us only in the Carpathians and the north-eastern part of the country and around the Kampinos Forest. The population of these predators is very small, it does not exceed 150 individuals. Rysie need extensive and compact forest complexes with hardly available osters that provide them with peace. Fragmentation of forests and an unstable feed base, mainly deer population, pose the greatest threats to this species - emphasizes prof. dr hab. Henryk Okarma, specialist in predatory mammals from the Institute of Nature Conservation of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

This year's broadcast is already a 6th stamp dedicated to the Eurasian Rysi as part of broader emissions - including forest animals, wild animals and plants. The previous ones were in the years 1965, 1973, 1976, 2001, 2002 - showing how consistent Poczta Polska approaches the need to maintain the population of Rysia.

About the stamp:

Project author: Bożydar Grozdew
Number of stamps: 1
Value: 3.30 PLN
Edition: 171,000
Print technique: offset
format stamp: 51 x 39.5 mm
Sales sheet: 9 stamps
paper: Fluorescent
date of introduction into circulation: April 21, 2021.

This and other philatelic publishing houses of Poczta Polska can be purchased at post offices and the online store:
