Suspension of receiving shipments Package Ukraine Plus
Poczta Polska maintains the possibility of setting ordinary and registered letters, postal parcels and EMS to Ukraine, while it suspends the reception of parcels Package Ukraine Plus
In connection with the developing military conflict in Ukraine, Poczta Polska suspends on February 25 this year. Provision of the Service Paczka Ukraine Plus, until further notice. The decision to suspend was made at the request of the operator, with whom we cooperate in the scope of this service and results from difficulties in delivery of shipments on the territory of Ukraine and the evacuation of residents.
Shipments adopted until the announcement will be developed and an attempt will be made to serve on the territory of Ukraine. In the absence of delivery to the addressee, the sender will be refunded.
At the same time, we would like to inform you that the provision of such services as the acceptance of ordinary and registered letters, EMS postal packages - at the moment, at the moment, without changes, however, one should expect a longer course of shipments, as well as their returns in the event of the possibility of their delivery by Poczta Ukraine.
Due to the dynamically changing situation in Ukraine, there may be further restrictions on the service of shipments, which we will inform in separate messages.