Report a candidate for the Heroes 2020 award Warsaw insurgents

Report a candidate for the Heroes 2020 award Warsaw insurgents

Heroon_GRUPLE_Rerekwizyty_spotOnly for two weeks - until August 31 - you can submit candidates for the Heroes 2020 award. Warsaw Powstańców - initiative implemented as part of the 5th edition of the National Heroon campaign - Turn on history! . The organizers are looking for companies, institutions, teachers, journalists, enthusiasts, non-governmental organizations and public figures-all who actively promoted knowledge about the history of the Polish 20th century and historical and patriotic education from January 1, 2019 to July 31, 2020. The winners will choose the winners: the award chapter chaired by the Vice President of the Council of Ministers prof. Piotr Gliński and Internet users.

The Hero-2020 award is designed to distinguish people, companies and institutions whose activity in a special way promoted knowledge about the history of Poland from 1918–1989 and historical and patriotic education from January 1, 2019 to July 31, 2020, winners in each of the seven categories-institution, company, teacher, public fig representatives of the Polish government, veterans' environments, historians and ambassadors of the heroon campaign - turn on history!. On the basis of the votes she cast, gold, silver and bronze heroes will be awarded.

Internet users will also have participation in the selection of winners who, as a result of voting via the website , grant the golden hero of the audience in each category.

The candidate for the prize can be submitted by any adult person - just fill out the form available on the campaign website and send his scan with the consent of the candidate to the address . The organizers are waiting for applications from 1 to 31 August.

After August 31, the Organizing Committee will choose the prizes after five nominees in each category. Then the applications will be forwarded to the members of the Chapter Award Heroons 2019, which under the leadership of the Vice President of the Council of Ministers prof. Piotr Gliński will be granted to gold, silver and bronze heroes.

Later, from September 14 to October 14 this year. You will be able to vote for your favorite to be awarded through the website . Each voter has the right to vote once a day for one nominated in each category. The nominees who will receive the most votes in their category will be awarded to the golden heroes of the audience.

The results and the awarding of statuettes will be announced during a gala, which will take place in October in Warsaw.

Known Polish actors joined the promotion of the campaign: Magdalena Różczka, Agnieszka Więdłocha, Antoni Pawlicki, Maciej Zakościeny, Maciej Musiał, Olga Bołądź, Karolina Gorczyca, Katarzyna Bujakiewicz, Małgorzata Kożuchowska and Michał Czernecki. Everyone appeared in the spot promoting the action.

The teacher in the spot is Małgorzata Kożuchowska, who this year joined the group of campaign ambassadors and became a member of the Chapter of the Heroes Award 2020 Warsaw insurgents.

The strategic partners of the 5th edition of the project are: PKN Orlen and POLREGIO. The group of partners includes: the Warsaw Uprising Museum, the Museum of World War II, the Institute of National Remembrance, the National Bank of Poland, the PZU Foundation, Poczta Polska, Totalizator Sportowy - owner of the Lotto brand, Polish Latin LOT Line, PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna, PGNiG, PWPW Foundation, Platige Image, Foundation of the Columbus Generation, Polish Radio, Polish Radio, Polish Radio, Polish Radio, Polish Radio, Polish Radio, Polish Radio, National, National Center for Culture.

The consent to participate in the Honorary Committee of the undertaking was expressed by: Mr. Mateusz Morawiecki, Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland; Mr. Piotr Gliński, vice president of the Council of Ministers, Minister of Culture and National Heritage; Mr. Jacek Sasin, vice president of the Council of Ministers, Minister of State Asset; Mr. Wojciech Murdzek, Minister of Science and Higher Education; Mr. Mariusz Błaszczak, Minister of National Defense; Mr. Jacek Czaputowicz, Minister of Foreign Affairs; Mrs. Marlena Maląg, Minister of Family, Labor and Social Policy; Mr. Dariusz Piontkowski, Minister of National Education; Mr. Jan Józef Kasprzyk, head of the office for veterans and repressed persons; Mr. Paweł Pietrzyk, chief director of the state archives; Pan Tadeusz Krawczak, director of the Archives of New Files; Mr. Jan Ołdakowski, director of the Warsaw Uprising Museum; Mr. Karol Nawrocki, director of the Museum of World War II; Mr. Robert Kostro, director of the Polish History Museum; Mr. Paweł Żurkowski, director of the Polish Army Museum; Mr. Paweł Pawłowski, director of the Air Force Museum in Dęblin; Mr. Leszek Żukowski, President of the Main Board of the World Union of Home Army Soldiers.

To the Chapter of the Heroes Award 2019 Warsaw Powstańców joined: Hanna Stadnik pseud. "Hanka", paramedic in the Warsaw Uprising, vice president of the World Union of Home Army Soldiers; Władysław Rosiński pseud. "Zapałka", a shooter in the Warsaw Uprising; Piotr Gliński, chairman of the prize chapter, vice president of the Council of Ministers, Minister of Culture and National Heritage; Jacek Sasin, vice president of the Council of Ministers, Minister of State Asset; Dariusz Piontkowski, Minister of National Education; Jan Józef Kasprzyk, head of the Office for War Veterans and Repressed Persons; Jarosław Szarek, president of the Institute of National Remembrance; Piotr Legutko, director of TVP Historia on behalf of Mr. Maciej Łopiński, for the president of the board of Polish Television; Agnieszka Kamińska, president of the board of Polish Radio; Karol Żbikowski, president of the board of Platige Image; Anna Jakubowski, General Director of the Avon concern for Poland and the Baltic States, member of IAA Polska; Jan Kowalski, director of the office of the "Independent" program; Rafał Wiśniewski, director of the National Center for Culture; Wojciech Kaczmarczyk, director of the National Institute of Freedom; Wojciech Roszkowski, author of the publication on the history of Poland of the 20th and 21st century, professor of humanities; Tomasz Okoń, originator and author of the program "History without censorship"; Magdalena Różczka, actress, heroon campaign ambassador - turn on the story!; Agnieszka Więdłocha, actress, heroon campaign ambassador - turn on the story!; Antoni Pawlicki, actor, Ambassador of the Heroon campaign - turn on the story!; Maciej Zakościelny, actor, Ambassador of the Heroon campaign - turn on the story!; Maciej Musiał, actor, Ambassador of the Heroon campaign - turn on the story!; Olga Bołądź, actress, Ambassador of the Heroon campaign - turn on the story!; Katarzyna Bujakiewicz, actress, heroon campaign ambassador - turn on the story!; Karolina Gorczyca, actress, heroon campaign ambassador - turn on the story!; Małgorzata Kożuchowska, actress, Ambassador of the Heroon campaign - turn on the story!; Michał Czernecki, actor, Ambassador of the Heroon campaign - turn on the story!.

More information about the campaign is available at: .
