Changes in shipments with the content of goods sent abroad

Changes in shipments with the content of goods sent abroad

Logo_Poziom_302x159Poczta Polska informs that from January 1, 2021, acts of the World Postal Association introduce the obligation to provide electronically data from the CN 22 or CN 23 customs declaration attached to postal parcels.

Data from the CN 22 or CN 23 customs declaration will serve the security related to the transport of foreign parcels and accelerating customs control primarily in the country of their purpose. It should be mandatory to be entered in the customs declaration, among others: parcel number, broadcasts and addressee, description of the content of the parcel, the value of the goods placed in the parcel with the currency in which it is expressed and the gross mass of the parcel.

We are reminding:

  • Customs control is subject to shipments containing goods sent to countries that do not belong to the European Union. Customs controls are also subject to parcels sent to some areas of the EU countries, e.g. to the Canary Islands belonging to Spain or to the Azores and Madeira belonging to Portugal. In connection with the UK's speech from the European Union, from January 1, 2021, customs control will also be subject to shipments with goods sent to this country.
  • As before, the CN 23 or CN 22 Customs Declaration must attach to each parcel (EMS, postal package, unregistered letter shipment, registered letter shipment, including with a declared value, sack M, Global Expres shipment) subject to customs control in the country of posting and/or destiny.
  • To the CN 22 customs declaration to the CN 22 customs declaration to be subject to customs checks. However, if the value of the content of such a parcel exceeds 300 SDR (DTS) then joins the completed customs declaration CN 23.
  • The sender is obliged to attach the CN Customs Declaration 23 to the customs control of postal parcels and EMS parcels.

We recommend that customers sending letter shipments over 250 grams, containing only documents, attached CN 22 customs declarations with a marked field informing that the content of the parcel is documents. This will serve to clearly indicate that the shipment does not contain goods.


Description of the content of the parcel in the customs declaration should be given in English or other specified in "additional information regarding postal services in foreign trading" available on the Poczta Polska website.

Attention! Shipments with goods sent to the United States

We note that the lack of a customs declaration completed and attached by the broadcaster for a parcel with goods will not be able to send the appropriate electronic message to the country of its destination by Poczta, and as a consequence, failure to meet new postal international regulations.

American post office will refuse to accept a parcel, for which it will not receive electronically data from customs declarations and returns it to the sender.



