Changes in the Supervisory Board and the Management Board of Poczta Polska
By decision of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company of April 3, 2020, the composition of the Supervisory Board of Poczta Polska is changing. Mr. Paweł Calski was dismissed from the function of a member of the supervisory board. Mr. Tomasz Zdzikot was appointed for the same function.
In addition, on April 3, 2020, the Supervisory Board of Poczta Polska SA adopted the resignation of Mr. Przemysław Sypniewski from acting as the President of the Board of Poczta Polska SA on April 3, 2020.
The Supervisory Board delegated a member of the supervisory board of Mr. Tomasz Zdzikot to perform the activities of a member of the Poczta Polska Board SA at the same time the Supervisory Board entrusted to Tomasz Zdzikot, during the delegation, performing the duties of the President of the Board of Poczta Polska SA