A stamp for the 100th anniversary of the civil service
Exactly 100 years ago - on February 17, 1922 - the Sejm of the Second Polish Republic adopted the first law on the State Civil Service. It was a milestone in the process of building Polish public administration, after over 120 years of partitions. To commemorate this event, Poczta Polska, in cooperation with the Department of Civil Service of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, issued the emission stamp "100th anniversary of the Civil Service", which in a circulation of 100,000 items went to post offices throughout the country.
The author of the project, Jacek Konarzewski, placed in the center of the stamp official logo of the 100th anniversary of the civil service against the background of white and red national colors. Below were the dates: February 17, 1922 - 17 February 2022 and the value designation: PLN 3.60 and the inscription Poland.
- The mission of Poczta Polska includes commemorating important events, characters and institutions in our history. I am proud that within this part of this part of the mail, belonging to the most persistent institutions of Polish statehood, we can also participate in the civil service. The philatelic emission, which we prepared together with the Chancellery of the Prime Minister
In the process of rebuilding Polish statehood, after the return of Poland to the map of Europe, the administration of the reviving state played an important role. Calling the lands belonging to different countries using different administration models into one state organism, which used different administration models, turned out to be a very big challenge. New legal regulations were needed to re -employ officers, officials and administrative employees. Despite many tasks standing before the first Sejm and the government of his choice, the awareness of the importance of administration for the functioning of the state was so great that the first law on the State Civil Service was adopted in less than three years after Poland regained independence. The Act of 1922 combined the experience of Western European countries with Polish tradition and was subject to almost all state civilian officers, excluding judges and prosecutors, teachers and lecturers of universities as well as railway and postal employees. The civil service was an important element of the reviving statehood and undoubtedly improved the process of rebuilding the Polish state, and civil service officials were the foundation of this activity. At the end of the Second Polish Republic (in 1938) a total of 450,000 public officials were employed, who together with their families constituted 5.6% of the total population.
- I am glad that in cooperation with Poczta Polska managed to commemorate another important event for our country. This time the stamp reminds that 100 years ago, on February 17, 1922, the Act on the State Civil Service was adopted. It was the first comprehensive regulation on the civil service in Poland. First of all, it was a very important step to rebuild the Polish state and administration and to prepare qualified clerical staff. I believe that the emission of the stamp will encourage everyone to get to know the civil service and its history -said Dobrosław Dowiat-Urbański, head of the civil service.
Currently, the Civil Service operates on the basis of the Act of 21 November 2008 on the Civil Service. The civil service is primarily people - members of the Civil Service Corps, whose task is to ensure the efficient functioning of government administration, regardless of the political situation and changes in government. The tasks of the civil service are diverse and concern almost all areas of our lives. The construction of a modern state, an increase in the efficiency of its bodies and, above all, the satisfaction of society are the most important goals and tasks to be completed by members of the Civil Service Corps.
- After years of partitions and the division of Polish lands, one of the most important tasks of the reviving homeland was the creation of the entire public administration again. The new stamp that goes into the hands of our clients is to remind that at that time the civil service and its officials were a very important element of rebuilding our statehood. Without people involved in the process of rebuilding the institutions of the Polish state, without civil service officials, it would not be possible to unify the principles of the functioning of the state in such a short time. The stamp is not only a reminder of those efforts, but above all a tribute to thousands of officials ensuring the efficient functioning of the most important state offices - says Wiesław Włodek, vice president of Poczta Polska.
In addition to the stamp, Poczta Polska released the FDC envelope (on the first day of circulation). Two photos were integrated into the envelope graphics - archival, from the National Digital Archives, depicting pre -war officials and contemporary, at which the ceremony of appointing new civil service officials was captured. In the lower left corner of the envelope there was the title of emission and the motto: "Our mission is to serve the state and citizens."
About the stamp:
Project author: Jacek Konarzewski
Number of stamps: 1
Value: 3.60 PLN
Edition: 100,000
Print technique: Rotograwiura
Break format: 39.5 x 31.25 mm
Paper: Fluorescent
Sales sheet: 50 stamps
Date of introduction into circulation: February 17, 2022.