A stamp commemorating the Uprising of the Warsaw Stock Exchange
On Friday, April 16 this year, Poczta Polska will introduce the emission value "30. Anniversary of the establishment of the Warsaw Stock Exchange. " The thirteenth stamp released in 2021 will go to branches all over Poland.
The author of the project, Jan Konarzewski, presented the bull and bear head on the background of the stock exchange building. The animals were chosen due to the symbolism of their attack - the bull attacks with horns (increases), while the bear attacks by pressing to the ground (drops). In addition to the stamp, Poczta Polska has published, in a limited version, the FDC envelope, i.e. an envelope on the first day of circulation. It presents the value room of the securities exchange (GPW).
- The latest value of Poczta Polska commemorates the establishment of the Warsaw Stock Exchange and the first stock market session. The WSE became a symbol of independent finances after the fall of the Polish People's Republic. An interesting issue that is worth raising on this publishing house is the fact that the postage stamp is also valuable paper, whose value often significantly exceeds this nominal - said Tomasz Zdzikot, president of the board of Poczta Polska.
In 2019, the company issued stamps dedicated to the finance of the Commonwealth. The individual values commemorated: the 100th anniversary of public finances, the 250th anniversary of the budget history and the 100th anniversary of the tax administration.
- The symbolism of the stamp designed by Poczta Polska especially for the WSE shows a fairly characteristic stock market dispute - optimist (bull) and pessimist (bear). In the middle of the graphics, however, there is a stock exchange building, which symbolizes the public good which is information - "how much is the risk in the economy?". There are optimists who think the risk is small and buy shares. There are also pessimists who see that the risk in the economy is growing and selling. This is one of the most important functions of the stock exchange - to provide information about how much a risk in the economy costs - said Marek Dietl, President of the Management Board of the WSE in Warsaw.
The Stock Exchange is an entity that allows you to trade securities, including shares and bonds and other, allowed financial instruments. The WSE was founded on April 12, 1991, and four days later the first stock market session was held, at which five companies were recorded.
About the stamp:
Project author: Jan Konarzewski
Number of stamps: 1
Value: 3.30 PLN
Edition: 168,000
Print technique: Offset
format stamp: 31.25 x 39.5 mm
Paper: Fluorescent
sales sheet: 12 stamps
Date of introduction into circulation: April 16, 2021.
This and other philatelic publishing houses of Poczta Polska can be purchased at post offices and the online store: www.filatelistyka.poczta-polska.pl