Stamp on the occasion of the 1050th anniversary of the victorious battle of Cedynia

Stamp on the occasion of the 1050th anniversary of the victorious battle of Cedynia

Stamp_cedyniaJune 24 this year. Poczta Polska introduced the emission stamp "1050. Anniversary of the Battle of Cedynia. " The new value of the company commemorates the first source clash in the long history of Polish weapons, which was successful.

The Battle of Cedynia (June 24, 972) is the first victorious battle of the Polan state, written on the pages of medieval chronicles of Bishop. Thietmar of Merseburg and Bruno of Kwerfurt - a missionary and friend of Prince Bolesław the Brave. Concerned about the increase in the position of the prince of Mieszko and among the Slavic tribes, Margrave of the Lusatian Hodon, supported by the magnate of Zygfryd von Walbeck, invaded his lands.

The victory of the Polish weapon near Cedynia was not only a turning point in the armed conflict for the consolidation of Mieszko's influence and in the lower Odra Race and regulation of the western border. First of all, it gave the Polish state time, necessary for internal consolidation and expansion to the south (towards Lesser Poland).

- The stamp commemorating the battle of Cedynia and the victory of Polish troops is another issue, through which Poczta Polska, pays tribute to national heroes - not only leaders, but in this case also the brave knights fighting for our lands. It is also our contribution to the historical education of Poles, not only philatelists. We consolidate the memory of important events, dates and characters that have saved the important cards of our Polish history - said Wiesław Włodek, vice president of the Poczta Poczta Board.

A fragment of the mosaic under the Czcibora mountain was presented on the stamp and envelope of the FDC (first day of circulation), depicting the image of the battle of Cedynia. On the FDC envelope (on the first day of circulation) a fragment of the mosaic from the Czcibora mountain was also presented showing the image of the battle of Cedynia.


About the stamp:  

Author of the project: Jarosław Obsendzan
Number of stamps: 1
Value: 3.60 PLN
Edition: 168,000 Pcs.
Print technique: offset
format stamp: 31.25 x 43 mm
Paper: fluorescent
sales sheet: 12 stamps.
Date of introduction into circulation: June 24, 2022.
