Stamp on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the edition of the Emigration monthly "Kultura"

Stamp on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the edition of the Emigration monthly "Kultura"

koperta__162x114__75_Wroczynica_mie month_cultura__PREVPoczta Polska introduced a postage stamp commemorating the 75th anniversary of the publication of the "Kultura" emigration monthly.

"Culture" is a Polish emigration monthly, published in 1947–2000 by the Literary Institute, initially in Rome and from 1948 in Paris. He was the most important voice of Polish emigration and was a space for exchanging thoughts and views, abrasion of ideas and concepts. In disputes and discussions taking place in the pages of 637 numbers, the image of the future Poland emerged. Here, for the first time, works that were now creating the canon of Polish literature appeared. Jerzy Władysław Giedroyc was the editor -in -chief of "Kultury" and the founder and head of the literary institute.

In the central part of the stamp metaphorically, all the monthly editions were presented - from the first to the last issue - bearing the inscription "75. Recall by the edition of the Emigration Monthly of Kultura". Moved golden cards symbolize the contribution and influence of the Literary Institute and the monthly "Kultura" on Polish culture and the political life of Poles.

The FDC envelope (on the first day of circulation) is complemented by graphics with a stamp, and in combination with all the other graphic elements intensifies the impression of a multitude of monthly editions. The impression of abundance is also influenced by the composition and the decorative way of imaging, called Horror Vacui in the art, consisting in filling almost the entire project area. Photos are visible between the symbols of the card, including the characters of the editor Giedroyc and concealed signs, geometric solids or typographic symbols. Graphic layout - duplications, simple shapes, scattered elements of font, referring to the times of the Polish avant -garde. They refer to simple forms visible in the work of Henryk Starzewski, Władysław Strzemiński or Katarzyna Kobro - today again current artistic solutions, readable for contemporary recipients.

The first day of circulation refers graphically to the image of the stamp.

The designs of the stamp, FDC envelopes and the datcher were created in cooperation with Poczta Polska with the Literary Institute in Paris.

About the stamp:

Project author: Bożydar Grozdew
Number of stamps: 1
Value: 3.60 PLN
Edition: 100,000 Pcs.
Printing technique: Rotograwiura
Break format: 31.25 x 39.5 mm
Paper: Fluorescent
sales sheet: 50 stamps
Date of introduction into circulation: June 30, 2022.
