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Projects co -financed from European funds

Project 1

Examination, simulation and development of new large-scale expedition and disposal processes taking into account the practical use of passive radio identification technologies in a dense environment.
Poczta Polska conducts a project aimed at improving the implementation of our services through the use of modern technologies based on radio identification of facilities (RFID).
The duration of the project was scheduled for 2.5 years, i.e. completion will be completed in the third quarter of 2021. The project results will be the starting point for further strategic decisions related to the implementation of RFID solutions on a large scale in Poczta Polska.
A significant part of the costs of work will be financed from funds obtained from the National Research and Development Center (NCBR). The total value of the project is PLN 9 115 713.10, granted co -financing PLN 6 129 325.27, while the own contribution of Poczta Polska is PLN 2,986,387.83.
The project will start with work related to procedural research and laboratory work. Procedural work (mapping) will be carried out in selected locations of the Poczta Polska logistics operations division. As part of laboratory work, RFID solutions (markers, registering devices) in relation to collective packaging and individual shipments will be carried out. On their basis, a group of devices will be selected that will be tested in subsequent phases, in selected locations of Poczta Polska. The next stage will be large -scale research (verification of technology effectiveness in real conditions), i.e. on large amounts of information information in the following locations: WER in Pruszcz Gdański, WER in Zabrze and Wer in Szczecin.
An additional place of work is the laboratory of the Institute of Logistics and Storage in Poznań. The works will be carried out as part of a scientific and research consortium, appointed for the needs of the project and to obtain funding. It consists of: Poczta Polska SA (leader) and the Institute of Logistics and Storage in Poznań (scientific and research unit).
The solutions studied as part of the design work are designed to automate and improve the registration of events, give the opportunity to track real -time objects, improve the safety of moved objects and reduce labor intensity (eliminating manual scanning). Poczta Polska also wants to increase the possibilities of developing growing volumes using its resources, have faster and reliable identification of bottlenecks and generate management information in a short time.
By using RFID technology, you can get the effect of contactless identification from the distance to several meters, which will translate into faster development of shipments and minimizing their transport time. This has a simple impact on the time in which the post office will deliver to the customer.
The result will be new expedition and distribution processes used in the pilot in the shipment distribution network and taking into account the use of specific radio identification techniques. A report constituting the "know-how" of consortiacs in the field of selection and implementation of specific identification solutions used on selected logistics units will also be created.
Project 2
Planet project in the Horizon 2020 research program.

The Planet project is a 36-month international research project started on June 1, 2020, which goes beyond strategic tests on transport and research in the field of information and communication technology. It presents in detail the emerging concepts of physical internet and IT technologies, including Blockchain in three global corridors (China-Eue). It will operate based on the implementation and projects of the European technology platform Alice and combine all projects in this area.
The Planet research project includes a consortium consisting of 33 partners from around the world, including Poczta Polska, who jointly represent a large group of main transport and logistics companies in Europe and the world. Depending on the works performed, the consortia has been divided into smaller groups, so -called Living Laby. The consortium partners will use their knowledge and skills to examine the innovative ways of coordinating complex supply chains through multimodal corridors with the participation of interested private and public entities.
The works of the Polish group in this project are managed by the Institute of Logistics and Storage in Poznań, one of the entities creating the Łukasiewicz research network, which was established last year by the Sejm of the Republic of Poland to conduct application research and development works important for the Polish economy and state development strategy.
Thanks to the received ILIM grant, together with Poczta Polska, GS1 Polska and Rohlig Suus, research will conduct the improvement of logistics processes in the flows of loads from China to Europe along the Silk Road. The expected effect of work will be to develop innovative ways of coordinating complex supply chains through multimodal corridors with the participation of interested private and public entities.
The study will cover the possibility of implementing IoT technology (Internet of Things) - a sensory network and the use of the EPCIS standard - an event base that facilitates data transfer between partners involved in the logistics operations of shipments in the ECOMMERCE channel.
Poczta Polska, as a consortium participant, together with Polish partners will participate in the study enabling access to operational data on foreign shipments developed in Poland. By participating in the project, he will receive funding from the EU Research and Innovation Program "Horizon 2020", in the amount of over 100,000 €.
The project received co -financing from the EU research and innovation program "Horizon 2020" under a grant agreement No. 860274.