Volunteering on postage stamps

Volunteering on postage stamps

swadzhmlodychFor the fourth time, the Polish Post Office and the BOŚ Foundation are organizing an art competition for the project stamp's design "World through the eyes of young". The theme of this year's edition is volunteering. The three best competition entries will go to postage stamps.

The competition is addressed to children and adolescents aged 7-19. Young artists can apply to the competition through their school or local cultural center. Registration of facilities lasts until April 8 this year.

In the "World Eyes of Young" collection, 3 emissions have been held so far, each in a circulation of 100,000. In each edition, 3 stamps with the best works were published. In autumn this year The collection will expand by another three philatelic values. Until now, topics related to healthy nutrition and physical activity, methods of climate protection and increasing the biological diversity of Polish nature with an emphasis on saving old varieties of fruit trees have been discussed.

Postage stamps are not only pictures stuck to envelopes or confirmation of the fee for sending a letter. These are primarily works of art. It takes many years to get into such practice that you can design stamps. Many professional graphic designers dream that the fruits of their work are on postage stamps. The competition is a unique possibility of self -designing a stamp by young people.

"The world through the eyes of young people" is an art competition for a postage stamp design, which not only educates children and young people in selected matters, but also creates the opportunity to speak and discuss. Recognizing the importance of the topic, the competition of honorary patrons was covered by the Minister of National Education, the Minister of Infrastructure, the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Policy and the Ombudsman for Children.

How to prepare a competition job?

The competition entries will be evaluated in three age categories (under 12 years old, 12-15 years, 16-19 years). They should be sent by May 20 this year.

The competition work is to be an illustration in A4 format in horizontal orientation (29.7 cm wide and 21 cm high) and present volunteering in various aspects: ideas it carries, examples of volunteer activities, as well as benefits for both beneficiaries and volunteers themselves. The work is to be done by hand, any technique that is not spatial, e.g. with paints, crayons, markers, pencil, etc.

The competition website www.oczamimlodych.pl has detailed information on how to prepare work, as well as tips and tips that will facilitate its creation.

Prize power

Main prizes will be awarded to three works, one in each age category. In autumn this year They will be published on postage stamps in the series "World Eyes of Young" in a circulation of 100,000, which will be sold in postal facilities and in the online philatelic store of Poczta Polska. The stamps will include the names of the authors of the works and the name of their schools or cultural centers. In addition, 10 distinctions will be awarded. The total value of the prizes is PLN 10,000.

Applications for the competition

Schools and cultural centers represented by the designated coordinator are applying for the competition. Registration takes place at the competition website www.oczamimlodych.pl and lasts until April 8, 2020.

The coordinator's tasks include organizing a competition in the facility and familiarizing young people with the history and role of the postage stamp, as well as the subject of volunteering. In the internal stage, from among the works performed by children and young people, choose a maximum of 3 best, and then sent their scans via the competition page by May 20, 2020 at the latest.

The competition website www.oczamimlodych.pl has many materials that will help in the organization of the competition and conducting educational classes. There is, among others, a script of classes or a compendium of volunteering knowledge.
